Archive for December, 2009

Chocolate Daze


(Fran Bigelow’s The Reine chocolate torte)

I know what you’re thinking. It’s not looking good, is it? I must be in denial. I’m not a chocoholic, I tell ya. Yet, somehow when I made a list of things I wanted to bake as holiday gifts this weekend, it would appear that at least 80% of the list involved chocolate in some form or other.

Chocolate, glorious chocolate.

Perhaps it had something to do with the big bag of Lindt chocolate buttons I’d bought the other day. Or some recently acquired cookbooks. In any case, each item has a reason (or excuse, if you will) for being.

I made Fran Bigelow’s The Reine after yearning for a simple cake with a striking chocolate glaze. In keeping with the Christmas theme, some cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla were added to the batter; spices I usually associate with Christmas. The resulting cake was moist and delicious, but certainly didn’t hold a candle to the following brownies.


(Paul A. Young’s Chocolate Brownies)

These chocolate brownies from Paul A Young’s book are the ultimate fudgey brownie. I topped mine with dried cranberries for that festive feel, and folded cocoa nibs through the batter, instead of the recommended dessicated coconut. Once baked and chilled, they sliced beautifully, and if they manage to make it out of the kitchen, I will be wrapping bars of these in cellophane to give away.


(Claire Clark’s Chocolate red wine cake)

For friends with more ‘grown-up’ tastes, I couldn’t go past Claire Clark’s slightly mysterious and fruity chocolate red wine cake. It’s almost mulled wine in cake form, which is a good thing. So good, that this is the fourth or fifth time I’ve made this cake. I’ve provided the recipe below, but would encourage you to consider buying the book, as it also contains stellar recipes for all manners of cookies, cakes and plated desserts.

Of course, this is by no means my final post for the year, but I wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone for reading this year. The support has been greatly appreciated, and I’m sorry I haven’t anything to give to you in return except for a handful of pictures. If you are ever in the neighbourhood, please drop by for a cup of tea and a piece of cake. Possibly a chocolate one. 🙂

Chocolate Red Wine Cake :
(from Indulge : 100 Perfect Desserts by Claire Clark)

125g softened unsalted butter
125g caster sugar
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
150ml red wine, at room temperature
125g plain flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
65g dark chocolate (55-70% cocoa solids), grated

for soaking :
50ml water
30g caster sugar
125ml red wine

Preheat the oven to 170’C. Grease and flour a 25cm/10inch bundt tin.

Cream together the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, then add the beaten eggs a little at a time, beating well between each addition. Add the wine and mix well.

Sift the flour, cinnamon, cloves, cocoa powder and baking powder together. Fold the dry ingredients a tablespoon at a time into the creamed cake mixture.
Lastly fold in the grated chocolate. Transfer the mixture to the prepared pan and level the top. Bake in the centre of the oven for 35 minutes, until the cake is well risen and a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.

Let the cake cool in the tin for 20 minutes and then place a thin cake card over the top and invert the tin. Lift off the tin so the cake sits on the card. It will still be warm, so do not try to move it at this stage. Cool the cake completely.

To soak the cake, bring the water and sugar to the boil in a small pan and stir in the red wine. Fill the cleaned bundt tin with the red wine syrup and place the cooled cake back in the tin. It will quickly absorb the hot liquid. Once the liquid has been absorbed, reverse the cake on to the cake card as before. Remove the tin, being careful not to damage the cake. Leave the cake to cool before glazing.

[Note : I don’t have a bundt tin, so I made this in a basic round springform tin, and gently brushed the syrup over the cake, rather than lifting it out of the tin and pouring the syrup in first. You need to be careful if soaking the cake in a springform tin, obviously because it will probably leak a little. I usually do this in a tray next to the sink. Claire Clark finishes her cake with a redcurrant jelly glaze and discs of glossy tempered chocolate. In the mood for something a little more simple, I sprinkled the top of the cake with shaved chocolate instead]

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The possessive pronoun of cake


(Vine-ripened tomatoes from our garden)

If there’s one thing this hot weather has going for it, it’s that you start to notice the garden suddenly springing to life. This is especially remarkable (and thrilling) as I’m not known for my gardening prowess. So far this season, our little balcony has supplied us with a selection of fresh herbs and a decent crop of tomatoes from two potted plants. I have been picking them only when required, to preserve their incredibly fresh and sweet taste from pot to plate. In fact, this crop has been so sweet that I decided I should also make a dessert out of them.


A batch of caramelised baby tomato and black olive tea cakes was the end result.

The inclusion of olives in these cakes stems from my renewed interest in the flavours of black olives and olive oil. Strangely enough, while I have often cooked with olive oil in the past, it’s only been recently that I’ve started to fully appreciate the beauty of a good quality extra virgin olive oil. The use of olives and olive oil in desserts aren’t a new thing either. I especially like black olives for their salty/briny flavour, which works well in tempering the sugar levels of a dish. Olives pair beautifully with citrus, pine nuts, tomatoes, strawberries, white chocolate, basil and fresh cheese.


This is exactly my kind of cake. Despite being slightly unusual, you could argue that it’s in keeping with classic flavours. Continuing with the Summer theme, I served the cakes with dollops of fresh thick yogurt but there’s no reason why these can’t also be served with ice-cream or whipped vanilla cream, especially if you tend towards the sweeter spectrum of things.

If the garden continues to prove fruitful, I certainly forsee more tomato-themed treats in the near future.


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