Scenes from Christmas 2009


The thing I actually love about Christmas is not so much the day itself, but what happens after it. Of course, Christmas Day is usually a joyous occasion; a rare opportunity to see a collection of friends and relatives all in the one room at the same time.

This year, our family Christmas lunch was surprisingly ‘traditional’ in nature. Usually the table would be heaving with a mixture of cuisines (I think there was even sushi one year) but this time we had good old fashioned roast turkey with stuffing, ham and even lamb with mint sauce (not pictured).


As for what happens post-Christmas, well, there are the inevitable 3 square meals per day comprising of leftovers (I particularly covet the ham scraps), paired with a few days spent blobbing around the house and/or catching up with friends.

As if on cue, I’ve also found myself looking back at the year that was. Memorable moments of 2009? Earlier in the year, I left the security blanket of my beloved old job assisting an amazing Pastry Chef, and started at a new one, meeting many talented and interesting people, and learning a few things about myself in the process.

I had several great dinners including this one and this, sampled some plate-lickingly good desserts here, and fell in love with a few blogs such as this and this, whilst cheering the return of this one.


I also finally realised that I need to constantly remind myself when I’m sweating the small stuff, that life is short. Way too short. Too short to have a job you hate, or to harbour ill-will against anyone. To be trying to do what is expected of you, rather than what is best for you or pretending to be something you’re not. I think I’m vaguely succeeding in this regard partly because it’s hitting me how important it is to remember these things. Honestly, aren’t I at an age now where I shouldn’t have to worry about zits (alas), frenemies and ulterior motives?


So I’m raising my glass to 2010. Here’s to a year of personal improvement, of hopefully more promising things and more new doors of discovery. I could also wish for World Peace, but then I’m going to want the sash and tiara that comes with such efforts. 🙂

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