Lemon twisty

This here is a quick sub-post, to show a few more pictures relevant to the previous post. I normally don’t replate and retake pictures, but it’s been bugging me that I didn’t quite get a proper picture the first time round, and this dessert has been on my mind all week. It’s twisty nature reminds me of how conflicted I currently feel about work. I mean, I love work, but I also don’t love work. But I love work more than I don’t love it, y’know. If that makes sense to anyone at all.
I also realised I forgot to mention a couple of things. Firstly, Sneh of Gel’s Kitchen featured me in her ten questions series (thanks Sneh). If you’re new to Gel’s Kitchen, you might want to read her post on her ten fondest food memories and check out a very yummy looking recipe for potato proscuitto matzo balls.
Less recently, I wrote a review of one of my all-time favourite baking books for The Gastronomer’s Bookshelf, run by Mark (No Special Effects) and Duncan (Syrup & Tang). Look to this site for news on the latest cookbook releases and for reviews for all those cookbooks you’ve been eyeing but have been unsure about buying (we all have a list of those, don’t we?).
Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!

Tags: elderflower, frozen liquid sable, lemon, meringue, plated dessert, vanilla, yuzu