2008, thus far..
Has it really been almost a month since Christmas? Time seems to have flown by. But I feel 2008 is going to be a good year. Already I’ve been to see Sufjan Stevens at the State Theatre, watched a couple of great movies (Persepolis and Juno), seen some trailers for potentially hilarious ones (Kung Fu Panda), had a few notable meals out (Aria, Longrain) and cooked some food I’ve been particularly happy with, at home (chocolate cake with spiced rum, sambal goreng tempe, chicken and porcini pie, gado gado salad, beef rendang) and at work.
I’ve killed my feet in one of my favourite pairs of Marc Jacobs, lusted after Keira Knightley’s green dress in Atonement, discovered Souad Massi thanks to J, become addicted to Robot Chicken thanks to B, taken up running, and yes, I’m still struggling with Don DeLillo’s Underworld. I think Underworld is another Ulysses for me : it’s meant to be really good; I really want to read it; I just can’t seem to muster any enthusiasm and love for it.
So I actually have a backlog of photos, food and restaurants I want to talk about. But first, some indulgent pictures of my wonderful nieces who visited from NZ over the Christmas period. They surprised me by being currently aged 7 and 4 but are so cute that you’d forgive them for growing up so quickly. As goodbye presents before they left for home again, they drew some pictures for us. The portrait of “Uncle B” is proudly stuck to our fridge door and it still makes me laugh every time I see it.
Susan from Food Blogga said,
January 22, 2008 @ 11:36 am
Wasn’t that green gown sensational? The entire movie was sumptuous, wasn’t it?
How I love the pic of her eating the watermelon –precious.
Y said,
January 22, 2008 @ 5:49 pm
Lucky I have the memory of a goldfish, because I read that book awhile ago and couldn’t remember how it ended, so it was entertaining to watch the movie version, and I loved the way it was filmed. That beach scene was visually amazing.
The watermelon photo is one of my favourites. What it doesn’t show, is that she had battered fish in the other hand and was alternating between eating the two!
Callum said,
January 23, 2008 @ 8:53 am
Hey, I LOVE the picture I “uncle B”… I am going to draw one and give to you aswell… (if its good enough can you put it on the fridge too!?) 🙂
Y said,
January 23, 2008 @ 5:50 pm
Only if you’re 7, Callum, only if you’re 7. Oh wait.. Ok then ! ;P
Mir said,
January 24, 2008 @ 3:22 pm
Glad to hear the tempe was put to good use! Uncle B should use the self potrait for his profile btw.