Going completely cookies
It’s been a busy couple of weeks. Aside from work, I’ve managed to squeeze in a Frames concert (Aside : one of the best bands to see live. Ever. Glen Hansard has this .. joy .. about him, when he performs. The strength and beauty of his voice always amazes me. And the way the band works so cohesively, makes this an experience whereby your understanding and appreciation of their songs are actually enhanced by seeing them being performed live, as opposed to the reverse, where your appreciation of a live act is enhanced by the fact you already know the songs. Highlights include all that rampant singing along, the violin solo, Glen singing sans microphone, and the sample of Hotellounge by dEUS. This, I believe, might be the only chance I’ll ever get to hear dEUS live!). Also, D and I made a rushed trip, in the middle of work, to Restaurant 07 to see a demonstration by elBulli Taller research and development chef, Alain Devahive. More on that another time…
Sometimes my boss comes over to my work station and has this look on his face like he’s about to tell me that a client has requested fried kittens in caramel sauce for their special function. My first response is usually yes, but in this case I might ask if they could swap over to chipmunks because apart from this guy and this guy, chipmunks generally aren’t as cute as kittens.
This time however, it wasn’t kittens, but 5000 biscuits. I balked a little. One oven, three days; it just didn’t seem physically possible, even if I was to omit sleeping altogether. We reached a compromise, but I still wonder if I had passed on some Guinness Record challenge…
Recently I’ve been finding some afternoon tea respite from Kate Zuckerman’s The Sweet Life. The Pignoli cookies are great, as are the Gingersnaps, but the verdict’s still out on the Walnut Rugelachs. In any case, my heart still belongs to the Belinda Jeffery’s Anzac Biscuit. B sums it up nicely as follows : “Those Anzac biscuits must’ve been good because we’ve eaten nearly a whole tin’s worth” !
chocolatesuze said,
August 26, 2007 @ 12:12 pm
5000! awesome work hehe have you been dreaming about biscuits? i think its the smell of butter that gets to me most i always want to eat a whole scoop of butter after its been creamed with sugar mmm
Y said,
August 26, 2007 @ 1:37 pm
Actually, I’ve been having nightmares 😛 The compromise means I’m no longer making 5000. Much less than that, in fact, because I have ten billion other things going on that week (like 1000 chocolate truffles). I did at some point consider enlisting you for help, seeing as your shortbreads look so cute!
I love that fluffy texture of creamed butter and sugar, but I’ve never been one to eat raw ingredients the way people do when they fight over who gets to lick the mixing spoon – call me weird, I guess.
chocolatesuze said,
August 27, 2007 @ 1:40 pm
hehe well if u ever need to order biscuits from me ill give ya a discount lol i can onli eat raw cookie dough if theres no eggs im weird about raw eggs yet i love runny sunny sideuop eggs…