Gingerriffic Weekend


A weird turn in the weather over the weekend left us pretty reluctant to leave the house. Despite this, we did actually manage to make it out into the city on Saturday evening (a rarity, for us), to see the Jim Henson Company’s Puppet Up! as part of the Comedy Festival. Dinner beforehand was at Wagamama in the Galleries Victoria (because we didn’t have time to stand in line at Ichiban-Boshi, one floor above); a rather forgettable eating experience. Later we braved the rain and traipsed down to Darling Harbour for some chocolate ice-cream at the Lindt Cafe. The 70% dark chocolate or hazelnut ice-cream would have been my pick. Deterred by lack of service, but not by strong wind and rain, we ended up at Passionflower instead, and had two uninspiring scoops of lychee and rose ice-cream and green apple sorbet.

Apart from having a muppetastic Saturday evening (eight sausages at a Mothballholics Anonymous meeting, anyone?), we spent most of the rest of the weekend drinking cups of tea from a T2 sampler pack C got me, watching movies (the excellent Das Leben der Anderen, and Colour Me Kubrick, which although was intriguing because it was based on an actual person, ended up being a bit tedious because it didn’t seem to progress anywhere) and I did some baking.

Flavoured with ground ginger and cinnamon, with hats of lemon and ginger flavoured fudge icing, these gingerbread muffins brought spice and warmth to our quiet little weekend.


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