Cherry Frangipane Tart
For the longest time, silly me always thought a frangipane tart was one scented with frangipanis. I don’t know how it happened, but somehow the idea got stuck in my head that the essence of little white flowers flavoured the tart, and as a result, I was always disappointed by the lack of discernible floral tones in any slice of frangipane I tasted.
It was when I started learning to cook, that I discovered that frangipane is actually an almond based pastry cream commonly used for filling tarts. One of my favourite fruit additions to such a tart is slices of slow-cooked quince, or a generous scattering of fresh raspberries. Inspired by a cherry scone I ate a couple of days ago, I decided to line the base of this tart, with glace cherries and dried sour cherries : a combination of sticky, juicy and chewy cherries.
For a better fruit : frangipane ratio, I wouldn’t usually make the tart as high as this one, but I found a lovely deep-dishy tin that I wanted to use, amongst B’s mom’s collection of baking things – it had a pattern on the bottom, so I’m guessing it’s actually a cake tin.
We had this tart when it was still warm from the oven, with scoops of vanilla ice-cream, and it was still so good eaten on it’s own, the very next day.
Tags: cherry, N. Ireland 2006, tart
Mir said,
October 10, 2006 @ 10:33 am
Oh dear, I thought that’s what you meant when I read the first sentence i.e. frangipani flavoured cakes :(. You’ve certainly been busy lately, and glad to hear about your princess Leia adornment! Those biccies looks great, I want a recipe! and photos of your hat too