Sambal Restaurant

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Sambal has got to be North Ryde’s best kept secret. A Malaysian restaurant located right next to, (and almost hidden by the fluorescence of) the Golden Arches, it’s stylishly fitted out and is serving up what could possibly be the best Malaysian food in Sydney. Pardon the superlatives, but I haven’t had such a good feed-up in awhile. In fact, the last good Malaysian-style meal I had in this area was a couple of years ago, when my mom took me to a lunch venue illegally operated out of someone’s house. I think it has since been shut down by local authorities, but that’s another story for another time.

Tonight we were here for a quiet family meal. The first dish to arrive was the Belachan Eggplant, followed in quick succession by a Nonya Fish Curry, Joo Hu Char, and Inchee Kabin. The portions were generous and incredibly good value. Overall, while the food may have been well spiced and a little bit rich, it also tasted very clean and fresh on the palate.

The Belachan Eggplant was crisp on the outside, flecked with chilli shrimp paste and soft and creamy on the inside, like well cooked eggplant should be. B gave it a 3.5 on the eggplant rating scale. I think we also polished it off in 3.5 seconds! The Inchee Kabin, deep fried spiced chicken served with a special dipping sauce, could kick Col. Sanders’ Popcorn Chicken to the kerb any day. I wonder why KFC even needs to be in Malaysia! The dipping sauce is flavoured with worcestershire sauce – a colonial British influence – which incidentally is also known as ang mo tau eu, literally meaning “white person’s soy sauce”. The fish curry was so good I wanted to lift the bowl to my lips to slurp it up… but managed to restrain myself as there were three other people at the table wanting to drain the liquidy goodness from the bowl too.

There was no room for dessert, but that only gives us an excuse to return again. Next time, we will have to try the Ice Kacang (a shaved ice, fruit and syrup dessert), as I noticed the authentic Ice Kacang machine right behind the counter.

And if you go, maybe you can order the intriguing-sounding Vegemite Crab and tell me what it’s like!

Sambal Restaurant
Shop 7, 285-297 Lane Cove Road
North Ryde 2113.

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  1. chocolatesuze said,

    August 22, 2006 @ 3:24 pm

    hahaha oh my god! my brother works there! and i used to work there! woah man

  2. jenjen said,

    August 23, 2006 @ 1:57 am

    I have driven past this place and always had the intention of coming in one day. I will definitely go and eat there now that you have given it such a glowing review.

  3. Y said,

    August 23, 2006 @ 6:53 pm

    chocolatesuze: what does your brother do there? and is the vegemite crab any good?

    jenjen: make sure you get the chicken dish!

  4. chocolatesuze said,

    August 24, 2006 @ 1:47 am

    my brother works the ‘pass’ i think… plating and toppings and stuff. asian dude with a cap that says vonzip or something… lol and he said noones ever ordered the vegmite crab!

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