Beer and Chips
I woke B up last night from laughing out too loud in my sleep. Apparently my slumbering brain had invented the most brilliant word ever. It was ingenious, and the more I thought about it, the funnier it seemed, which got transposed into a sound that jumped the gap between sleep and consciousness. Unfortunately I can’t remember what the word means, and the reason behind its being. Such is the tyranny of dreams. I do however recall being half asleep and very irritated that he didn’t think it was a very good word at all. Doesn’t it sound exactly like.. ?
We finally cracked open the Deus last night. Beautiful beer, with a nice fine fizz and honeyed tone, but probably not worth the asking price. Still, it’s all about experiencing new things, right?
Something else I experienced a good few weeks ago, inspired the above dessert : a dinner at Rockpool(fish) which was capped off by a refreshing, mildly bitter Trumer Pilsner granita with salty peanut ice-cream. The dish came with a few tuilles on the side; the whole effect of which reminded me of the experience of having a beer with salted peanuts and chips. Simple, yet clever enough to keep you interested with each bite.
My version involves a similar granita with vanilla ice-cream and salty peanut nougatine baked to look like potato crisps. While it was good, it could never replicate the feeling of delight I got from tasting the original.
As for that word? Yes B, it sounds like I took the word spleen and changed one letter, but unlike my dessert, spleem is a highly original word in my opinion – a definite improvement on it’s predecessor. A word with an infinity of uses. As in, that was a spleemingly good dessert.
The Dictionary people will be knocking at my door any day now.
Lorraine E said,
May 14, 2008 @ 8:15 pm
Wow, that ice cream looks great. How do you find photographing icecream? I have such difficulty doing it as it melts and I want it to either by shiny or frosty
Y said,
May 14, 2008 @ 9:00 pm
Well I was lucky with this one, because it was sitting on a bed of cold granita, so it wasn’t about to go anywhere fast. I haven’t taken many pictures of ice-cream, so can’t say I’ve encountered any difficulties yet 🙂
Aran said,
May 15, 2008 @ 3:28 am
Christie @ fig&cherry said,
May 15, 2008 @ 4:17 pm
Clever headline! And I love the salty peanut crisps – yum!
Helen said,
May 16, 2008 @ 10:06 pm
Love the recipe and I really enjoy reading your posts too. I am a regular ‘sleep- laugher’ , it drives my partner crazy! (apparently, I don’t care, I’m asleep). I also often wake up with a word in my head which is quite spooky actually. Maybe this is a common problem?!
Kristen said,
June 29, 2008 @ 1:11 am
This looks fantastic. I wake up screaming… I bet my husband would much prefer laughter!