Leftover Tuesday
Let me just go on record as saying that I absolutely love leftovers. We tend not to have too much of it lying around these days, because when I cook, I cook enough for exactly three, so that B can have it for lunch at work the next day.
But there is often so much potential in discovering a little bit of this and that in the fridge (as long as it’s not growing colonies of mold). Even if it’s just cobbled together, heated up, and eaten with some sort of rice, pasta or potato.. it always tastes good because all the work that went into making the original dish, was done ages ago.
In celebration of leftovers, I made these curried vegetable puffs recently. They don’t look like a product of leftovers, but rather deceptively, they were composed from ingredients that were given a second breath of life : scraps of pastry that had been rerolled for a second use, an opened jar of chilli and ginger Masala paste, and odd bits of vegetables that were lying around. Paired with a cucumber and yogurt dipping sauce, they were quite well received by the friends I served them too. Thankfully, each pastry was eaten, as I can’t imagine what I would then do to the leftovers!
David said,
January 23, 2007 @ 1:00 pm
Tasty and creative. Thanks for joining the 1st LOT event…you made the deadline, still have over 24 hrs to submit if anyone else reading wants to get in last minutes!
Rachel said,
February 5, 2007 @ 10:34 am
Wow, you really used EVERYTHING leftover for this. I looks great!
Y said,
February 5, 2007 @ 6:37 pm
Well, I like a bit of a challenge 🙂