Balcony Party for Two


Last Sunday, B and I came home with a new tomato plant and some Pennyroyal (good for repelling fleas and ants, apparently). The car got cleaned, the plants potted, balcony swept, and as we sat there, feet perched against the railings, there were two options to consider : 1) Drive to Castle Hill or the city, where advanced screenings of Pan’s Labyrinth were showing, or 2) Continue lazing for the rest of the day, booze in hand.

Naturally, we ended up with the latter option. You only get one Sunday a week, so you should be entitled to be as lazy as you want to, and besides,.. the Guillermo del Toro movie would be screening in more cinemas within a few days anyway. So, with glasses of Moscato in hand, we sat there as the sun began to set, nibbling on sandwiches. Someone was on the stereo.. maybe Lambchop, maybe Thom Yorke.

Then a couple of rainbow lorikeets gatecrashed our party (didn’t offer them any booze because you know what THEY are like once they’ve had one too many). They ended up with a more bird-friendly snack, but did initially eye-off our plates of vegetable spring rolls with a soy dipping sauce, and crab and caviar finger sandwiches. These sandwiches were a particular revelation : sweet succulent crabmeat bound with mayonnaise, salty caviar (lumpfish roe, not the real thing, I’m afraid) and crisp, shredded iceberg lettuce. On white bread, of course. Just the thing to take to Blog Party #18’s Black & White theme.

More Sundays like this and I fear I may never leave my balcony!

SpringRolls.jpg SpringRolls3.jpg Crab&CaviarSandwiches3.jpg


  1. kathryn said,

    January 20, 2007 @ 8:54 pm

    What a lovely way to spend a Sunday. Now that summer has finally hit us, here in Sydney, Richard and I are also languishing at home a lot more. I’ve re-discovered the simple joy of spending an hour in the garden reading my book from 6pm, when the sun has gone down enough that you don’t get sunburnt, but there’s still light and warmth-enough that you can sit outside. While I am working, I feel like I’m having a mini holiday every day.

    Rice paper rolls and finger sandwiches – how very civilised!

  2. Y said,

    January 21, 2007 @ 12:15 am

    6-8pm is my favourite part of the day at the moment, when I have evenings off, that is. I love the colour of the sky, the cooling breeze against wilted hair, and that dusky colour everything else seems to take on, as the sun sets. The sandwiches are a bit of a bonus, really, and the only reason I would ever eat sliced white bread.

  3. Brilynn said,

    January 22, 2007 @ 9:12 am

    I wouldn’t mind some of those sandwiches, and to be able to sit on my deck right now, lousy snow.

  4. Elle said,

    January 22, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

    I’m with Brilynn…too bad it’s cold and windy here and not deck sitting weather, but the sanwiches and spring rolls would be great anyway. We can all have a drink, too. Hope to see you at the next blog party.

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